jeudi 29 octobre 2009

visually identify ssh session console tabs

add this to the server user's .bashrc :

if [ "x$SSH_CONNECTION" != "x" ]; then
export PS1="\[\033[01;35m\][ssh]\[\033[00m\]$PS1"

It will prepend your server prompt with [ssh] allowing you to visually identify when you're on a shell session on it. of course you could just color the hostname or something else, but you get the idea. sometimes a visual cue is better than having the hostname in the prompt.

mardi 27 octobre 2009

annoying ^C (control C) echoed in bash shell

Starting with bash 4.0*, hitting ^C (control+c) in the Konsole prints out ^C and potentially overwrites command history. For those of you, dear readers, that think that this is really annoying and lame, there is a workaround.


stty -echoctl

in your ~/.bashrc.
That's it.

Other control chars such as ^Z will not be displayed anymore, but i hate that much less than i hated ^C.

jeudi 22 octobre 2009

Les hotels, la vie.

Haaa, ça faisait longtemps que ça ne m'était plus arrivé. Je suis à Niort, et dans la chambre d'hotel à côté de la mienne, la nuit dernière a été chaude ... et ce matin aussi !

C'est beau la jeunesse ... frustrant, bien sûr, ... mais bô !

Aller jeunesse !
Vivez d'eau et de sang ! Vivez tout le temps !